Gaumen - Fuglesang E.P.
Gaumen is a duo consisting of Jan Van Hasselt and Ulle Matzen who play music in the so called Illbient vein or dark ambient. Six Untitled tracks on this vinyl 7..(read more)
Label: Esel / ESEL08
Artist: Gaumen
Medium: 7"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 7", Electronic, Experimental, Vinyl.

Zonic - No. 14-17
In German. The Zonic people call it an 'Almanach für kulturelle
Randstandsblicke & Involvierungsmomente', which one might translate
as: 'Alm..(read more)
Publisher: Pommersche Literaturgesellschaft e.V. / ISBN 1611-3705
Author: Zonic
Medium: Book + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Germany, New Wave and Post-Punk.

Rohstoff - Fanzine 3
Magazine from Vienna, covering the underground & experimental film worldwide from its early days up to modern times. In nr. 3 (from december 2006): Interv..(read more)
Publisher: Sonderzahl Verlagsgesellschaft / ISBN 978 3 85449 264 1
Author: Rohstoff
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Magazines.

Pop Dylan - Take Me to the Slaughterhouse…
… I Will Wait There with the Lamb. James Din A4 caught in his matrix or in ‘The Wonderful World of Amelie Pop Dylan’. Jazz is not jazz and hou..(read more)
Label: Esel / 30
Artist: Pop Dylan
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electro-Pop, Techno, Vinyl.